
  • 中英文摘要
  • 结题摘要
  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 国际燃烧学会会士 奖励 齐飞
2 Internation Journal of Chemical Kinetics副主编 奖励 齐飞
3 Investigation on 1-Heptene/Air Laminar Flame Propagation under Elevated Pressures 期刊论文 Mei Bo-wen;Li Wei;Ma Si-yuan;Wang Hai-yu;Pan Hao-quan;Qi Fei;Li Yu-yang
4 Exploration of the pyrolysis chemistry of 1,1-diethoxybutane: A flow reactor and kinetic modeling study 期刊论文 Zeng Meirong;Li Yuyang;Yuan Wenhao;Zhang Yan;Yang Jiuzhong;Qi Fei
5 “万人计划”科技创新领军人才 奖励 齐飞
6 发动机燃烧反应网络调控理论及方法 奖励 齐飞;李玉阳;杨斌;张李东
7 Investigation on laminar burning velocities of benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene up to 20 atm 期刊论文 Wang Guoqing;Li Yuyang;Yuan Wenhao;Zhou Zhenbiao;Wang Yu;Wang Zizhou
8 上海市优秀学术带头人 奖励 齐飞
9 Probing the low-temperature chemistry of di-n-butyl ether: Detection of previously unobserved intermediates 期刊论文 Tran Luc-Sy;Wullenkord Julia;Li Yuyang;Herbinet Olivier;Zeng Meirong;Qi Fei;Kohse-Hoeinghaus Katharina;Battin-Leclerc Frederique
10 Experimental and theoretical investigation on cellular instability of methanol/air flames 期刊论文 Wang Guoqing;Li Yuyang;Li Lei;Qi Fei
11 Two-dimensional temperature and carbon dioxide concentration profiles in atmospheric laminar diffusion flames measured by mid-infrared direct absorption spectroscopy at 4.2 mu m 期刊论文 Liu Xunchen;Zhang Guoyong;Huang Yan;Wang Yizun;Qi Fei
12 光谱法和取样分析法在燃烧诊断研究中的应用 期刊论文 刘训臣;李玉阳;周忠岳;王毓;齐飞
13 High-repetition-rate burst-mode-laser diagnostics of an unconfined lean premixed swirling flame under external acoustic excitation 期刊论文 Wang Sirui;Liu Xunchen;Wang Guoqing;Xu Liangliang;Li Lei;Liu Yingzheng;Huang Zhen;Qi Fei
14 Applications in Energy and Combustion Science创刊主编 奖励 齐飞
15 Ab initio kinetics on low temperature oxidation of iso-pentane: The first oxygen addition 期刊论文 Ye Lili;Zhang Lidong;Qi Fei
16 Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on pyrolysis and combustion of n-butane and i-butane at various pressures 期刊论文 Li Wei;Wang Guoqing;Li Yuyang;Li Tianyu;Zhang Yan;Cao Chuangchuang;Zou Jiabiao;Law Chung K.
17 发动机燃烧基础研究团队 奖励 齐飞;黄震;吕兴才;尚守堂
18 Experimental investigation of entropy waves generated from acoustically excited premixed swirling flame 期刊论文 Wang Guoqing;Liu Xunchen;Wang Sirui;Li Lei;Qi Fei
19 Investigation on laminar flame propagation of n-butanol/air and n-butanol/O2/He mixtures at pressures up to 20 atm 期刊论文 Wang Guoqing;Li Yuyang;Yuan Wenhao;Wang Yizun;Zhou Zhenbiao;Liu Yingzheng;Cai Jianghuai
20 Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie国际区域主编 奖励 齐飞
21 第38届国际燃烧会议大会主席 奖励 齐飞
22 Pressure-dependent branching in initial decomposition of gamma-valerolactone: a quantum chemical/RRKM study 期刊论文 Ye Lili;Li Wei;Qi Fei
23 Acetaldehyde oxidation at low and intermediate temperatures: An experimental and kinetic modeling investigation 期刊论文 Zhang Xiaoyuan;Ye Lili;Li Yuyang;Zhang Yan;Cao Chuangchuang;Yang Jiuzhong;Zhou Zhongyue;Huang Zhen;Qi Fei
24 Exploring the Low-Temperature Oxidation Chemistry of Cyclohexane in a Jet-Stirred Reactor: an Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study 期刊论文 Zou Jia-biao;Li Wei;Ye Li-li;Zhang Xiao-yuan;Li Yu-yang;Yang Jiu-zhong;Qi Fei
25 Reconstruction and simulation of temperature and CO2 concentration in an axisymmetric flame based on TDLAS 期刊论文 Zhang Guoyong;Wang Guoqing;Huang Yan;Wang Yizun;Liu Xunchen
26 A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-propylbenzene combustion 期刊论文 Yuan W. H.;Li Y. Y.;Dagaut P.;Wang Y. Z.;Wang Z. D.;Qi F.
27 Challenges and perspectives of combustion chemistry research 期刊论文 Yuan W. H.;Li Y. Y.;Qi F.
28 Investigation on spherically expanding flame temperature of n-butane/air mixtures with tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy 期刊论文 Wang Guoqing;Mei Bowen;Liu Xunchen;Zhang Guoyong;Li Yuyang;Qi Fei
29 Experimental and kinetic modeling study on flow reactor pyrolysis of iso-pentanol: Understanding of iso-pentanol pyrolysis chemistry and fuel isomeric effects of pentanol 期刊论文 Cao Chuangchuang;Zhang Yan;Zhang Xiaoyuan;Zou Jiabiao;Qi Fei;Li Yuyang;Yang Jiuzhong
30 Pyrolysis of butane-2,3-dione from low to high pressures: Implications for methyl-related growth chemistry 期刊论文 Zhang Xiaoyuan;Lailliau Maxence;Cao Chuangchuang;Li Yuyang;Dagaut Philippe;Li Wei;Li Tianyu;Yang Jiuzhong;Qi Fei
31 Low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of diethyl ether: Fuel reactivity and fuel-specific products 期刊论文 Luc Sy Tran;Herbinet Olivier;Li Yuyang;Wullenkord Julia;Zeng Meirong;Braeuer Eike;Qi Fei;Kohse Hoeinghaus Katharina;Battin Leclerc Frederique
32 Temporally resolved two dimensional temperature field of acoustically excited swirling flames measured by mid-infrared direct absorption spectroscopy 期刊论文 Liu Xunchen;Wang Guoqing;Zheng Jianyi;Xu Liangliang;Wang Sirui;Li Lei;Qi Fei
33 Investigation on the Flame Front and Flow Field in Acoustically Excited Swirling Flames with and without Confinement 期刊论文 Wang Guoqing;Liu Xunchen;Li Lei;Chen Zhi X;Qi Fei
34 Experimental and kinetic modeling study of 1-hexene combustion at various pressures 期刊论文 Fan Xiaoyun;Wang Guoqing;Li Yuyang;Wang Zhandong;Yuan Wenhao;Zhao Long
35 Investigation on the oxidation chemistry of methanol in laminar premixed flames 期刊论文 Zhang Xiaoyuan;Wang Guoqing;Zou Jiabiao;Li Yuyang;Li Wei;Li Tianyu;Jin Hanfeng;Zhou Zhongyue;Lee Yin Yu
36 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute副主编 奖励 齐飞
37 The vacuum ultraviolet beamline/endstations at NSRL dedicated to combustion research 期刊论文 Zhou Z. Y.;Du X. W.;Yang J. Z.;Wang Y. Z.;Li C. Y.;Wei S.;Du L. L.;Li Y. Y.;Qi F.;Wang Q. P.
38 Low-temperature chemistry triggered by probe cooling in a low-pressure premixed flame 期刊论文 Zhang Xiaoyuan;Zhang Yan;Li Tianyu;Li Yuyang;Zou Jiabiao;Dagaut Philippe;Yang Jiuzhong;Li Wei;Zeng Meirong;Jin Hanfeng;Yuan Wenhao;Qi Fei
39 New insights into propanal oxidation at low temperatures: An experimental and kinetic modeling study 期刊论文 Zhang Xiaoyuan;Li Yuyang;Cao Chuangchuang;Zou Jiabiao;Zhang Yan;Li Wei;Li Tianyu;Yang Jiuzhong;Dagaut Philippe
40 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science编委 奖励 齐飞

