
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Genetic and functional properties of uncultivated MCG archaea assessed by metagenome and gene expression analyses 期刊论文 Qin D|He Y|Xiao X|Wang FP|
2 Thermococcus eurythermalis sp. nov., a conditional piezophilic, hyperthermophilic archaeon with a wide temperature range for growth, isolated from an oil-immersed chimney in the Guaymas Basin 期刊论文 Zhao W|Zeng X|Xiao X|
3 The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein (H-NS) is a negative regulator of the lateral flagellar system in the deep-sea bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 期刊论文 Guanpeng Xu|Yingbao Gai|Jun Xu|Xiang Xiao|
4 Single-Cell Sequencing of Microorganisms 专著 Chen Ying|Wang Fengping|
5 A transcriptomeresource for the deep-sea bacterium Shewanellapiezotolerans WP3 under cold and high hydrostatic pressure shock stress 期刊论文 Huahua Jian|Shengkang Li|Xixiang Tang|Xiang Xiao|
6 Biomineralization mediated by anaerobic methane-consuming cell consortia 期刊论文 Li H|Lin YT|Xiao X|Wang FP|
7 Characterization of the relationship between polar andlateral flagellar structural genes in the deep-sea bacterium Shewanellapiezotolerans WP3 期刊论文 Xianping Zeng|Lei Xiong|Fengping Wang|Xiang Xiao|
8 Genomic and enzymatic evidence for acetogenesis among multiple lineages of the archaeal phylum Bathyarchaeota widespread in marine sediments 期刊论文 J. Fang|J. Xie|S. M. Sievert|F. Wang|
9 Filamentous phage SW1 is active and influences the transcriptome of the host at high-pressure and low-temperature 期刊论文 Huahua Jian|Lei Xiong|Guanpeng Xu|Xiang Xiao|
10 Nitrogen stimulates the growth of subsurface basalt-associated microorganisms at the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 期刊论文 Wolfgang Bach|Katrina J. Edwards|Beth N. Orcutt|Fengping Wang|
11 The two sets of DMSO respiratory systems of Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 are involved in deep sea environmental adaptation 期刊论文 Lei Xiong|Huahua Jian|Yuxia Zhang|Xiang Xiao|
12 南海北部陆坡天然气水合物区海水甲烷含量分布特征及其影响因素探讨 期刊论文 林进清|雷知声|邓义楠|滕德强|
13 Diversity and Metabolic Potentials of Subsurface Crustal Microorganisms from the Western Flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 期刊论文 Zhang, Xinxu|Fong, Xiaoyuan|Wang, Fengping|
14 A Modified SDS-Based DNA Extraction Method for High Quality Environmental DNA from Seafloor Environments 期刊论文 Zhang, Xinxu|Morono, Yuki|Inagaki, Fumio|Wang, Fengping|
15 Biological reduction of structural Fe(III) in smectites by a marine bacterium at 0.1 and 20 MPa 期刊论文 Wang, Hongmei|Zhao, Linduo|Huang, Liuqin|Wu, Lingling|
16 Metagenome reveals potential microbial degradation of hydrocarbon coupled with sulfate reduction in an oil-immersed chimney from Guaymas Basin 期刊论文 He, Ying|Xiao, Xiang|Wang, Fengping|
17 Stratified community responses to methane and sulfate supplies in mud volcano deposits: insights from an in vitro experiment 期刊论文 Stadnitskaia A|Boeckx P|Xiao X|Boon N|
18 深海微生物多样性 期刊论文 王风平|周悦恒|张新旭|肖湘|
19 Methanotrophic archaea possessing diverging methane-oxidizing and electron-transporting pathways 期刊论文 Hinrichs K-U|Zhang XX|Xiao X|Boon N|
20 Complete genome sequence of Thermococcus eurythermalis A501, a conditional piezophilic hyperthermophilic archaeon with a wide temperature range, isolated from an oil-immersed deep-sea hydrothermal chimney on Guaymas Basin 期刊论文 Zhao W|Xiao X|

