
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Integrative analysis of mRNA and miRNA expression profiles in oral lichen planus: preliminary results 期刊论文 Chen Junjun;Du Guanhuan;Wang Yufeng;Shi Linjun;Mi Jun;Tang Guoyao
2 Down-regulation of miRNA-27b-3p suppresses keratinocytes apoptosis in oral lichen planus 期刊论文 Junjun Chen;Yufeng Wang;Guanhuan Du;Wenyi Zhang;Tianyi Cao;Linjun Shi;Yanni Wang;Jun Mi;Guoyao Tang
3 In vitro cell culture system optimization of keratinocytes from oral lichen planus (OLP) patients 期刊论文 T Cao;H Zhang;L Zhou;Y Wang;G Du;H Yao;Y Wang;Q Luo;F Chen;W Wang;G Tang
4 Downregulated miR-27b promotes keratinocyte proliferation by targeting PLK2 in oral lichen planus 期刊论文 Junjun Chen;Guanhuan Du;Yuzhou Chang;Yufeng Wang;Linjun Shi;Jun Mi;Guoyao Tang
5 Enhanced T-cell proliferation and IL-6 secretion mediated by overexpression of TRIM21 in oral lesions of patients with oral lichen planus 期刊论文 Wei W;Wang Y;Sun Q;Jiang C;Zhu M;Song C;Li C;Du G;Deng Y;Nie H;Tang G
6 Total glucosides of paeony (TGP) inhibits the production of inflammatory cytokines in oral lichen planus by suppressing the NF-κB signaling pathway 期刊论文 Yanni Wang;Han Zhang;Guanhuan Du;Yufeng Wang;Tianyi Cao;Qingqiong Luo;Junjun Chen;Fuxiang Chen;Guoyao Tang
7 Differential expression of STAT-3 in subtypes of oral lichen planus: a preliminary study 期刊论文 Du Guanhuan;Chen Junjun;Wang Yanni;Cao Tianyi;Zhou Leilei;Wang Yufeng;Han Xiaozhe;Tang Guoyao
8 口腔扁平苔藓患者唾液IL-6、IL-10表达与疾病活动积分的相关性研究 期刊论文 孙倩倩;魏崴;王宇峰;唐国瑶
9 Clinical observation on the treatment of oral lichen planus with total glucosides of paeony capsule combined with corticosteroids 期刊论文 Leilei Zhou;Tianyi Cao;Yufeng Wang;Hui Yao;Guanhuan Du;Zhen Tian;Guoyao Tang
10 Potential association between Fusobacterium nucleatum enrichment on oral mucosal surface and oral lichen planus 期刊论文 Guan-huan Du;Yu-feng Wang;Jun-jun Chen;Yi-wen Deng;Xiao-zhe Han;Guo-yao Tang
11 Mixed and inhomogeneous expression profile of Th1/Th2 related cytokines detected by cytometric bead array in the saliva of patients with oral lichen planus 期刊论文 Wei Wei;Sun Qianqian;Deng Yiwen;Wang Yufeng;Du Guanhuan;Song Chencheng;Li Chenxi;Zhu Mengxue;Chen Guangjie;Tang Guoyao
12 Increased infiltration of CD11 c(+)/CD123(+) dendritic cell subsets and upregulation of TLR/IFN-alpha signaling participate in pathogenesis of oral lichen planus 期刊论文 Wang Yufeng;Shang Shu;Sun Qianqian;Chen Junjun;Du Guanhuan;Nie Hong;Han Xiaozhe;Tang Guoyao
13 Frequently Increased but Functionally Impaired CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus 期刊论文 Leilei Zhou;Tianyi Cao;Yufeng Wang;Hui Yao;Guanhuan Du;Guanjie Chen;Xiaoyin Niu;Guoyao Tang
14 中华口腔医学会科技奖 奖励 周曾同;唐国瑶;沈雪敏;吴岚;葛姝云;周永梅;王宇峰;施琳俊;刘伟
15 干扰素α 刺激角质形成细胞表达HLA-I/II 和CD40分子的研究 期刊论文 宋晨成;王宇峰;孙倩倩;魏巍;唐国瑶
16 口腔扁平苔藓关键转录信号蛋白的表达差异分析 期刊论文 杜观环;王宇峰;曹天翼;周磊磊;唐国瑶
17 临床技术操作规范(口腔医学分册2017修订版) 专著 王兴
18 口腔黏膜病就医指南 专著 陈谦明;唐国瑶;程斌;周刚
19 临床诊疗指南(口腔医学分册2016修订版) 专著 王兴

