
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Generation of monoclonal antibody MS17-57 targeting secreted alkaline phosphatase ectopically expressed on the surface of gastrointestinal cancer cells. 期刊论文 刘炳亚|刘炳亚|
2 Tumor suppressor miR-24 restrains gastric cancer progression by downregulating RegIV 期刊论文 Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|Yang, Qiumeng|Yang, Qiumeng|
3 Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase enhances gastric cancer progression via the FAK/Paxillin pathway 期刊论文 Zhu, Zhenggang|Zhu, Zhenggang|Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|
4 Androgen receptor promotes gastric cancer cell migration and invasion via AKT-phosphorylation dependent upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase 9 期刊论文 YanM.|YanM.|LiuB.|LiuB.|
5 High levels of secreted frizzled-related protein 1 correlate with poor prognosis and promote tumourigenesis in gastric cancer. 期刊论文 刘炳亚|刘炳亚|
6 MicroRNA-409-3p regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis by targeting PHF10 in gastric cancer. 期刊论文 Yan M|Gu Q|Zhu Z|Liu B|
7 Stromal fibroblasts in the microenvironment of gastric carcinomas promote tumor metastasis via upregulating TAGLN expression 期刊论文 Yu, Yingyan|Gu, Qinlong|Zhu, Zhenggang|Liu, Bingya|
8 The metastasis suppressor SOX11 is an independent prognostic factor for improved survival in gastric cancer 期刊论文 Cui, Xiaojiang|Cui, Xiaojiang|Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|
9 Overexpression of IncRNA H19 enhances carcinogenesis and metastasis of gastric cancer 期刊论文 Zhu, Zhenggang|Zhu, Zhenggang|Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|
10 Biglycan enhances gastric cancer invasion by activating FAK signaling pathway 期刊论文 Liu, Bing-ya|Liu, Bing-ya|Yang, Qiu-meng|Yang, Qiu-meng|
11 Claudin-1 enhances tumor proliferation and metastasis by regulating cell anoikis in gastric cancer 期刊论文 Liu B.|Liu B.|ZhuZ.|ZhuZ.|
12 High levels of secreted frizzled-related protein 1 correlate with poor prognosis and promote tumourigenesis in gastric cancer 期刊论文 CuiX.|CuiX.|Liu B.|Liu B.|
13 MiR-133b is frequently decreased in gastric cancer and its overexpression reduces the metastatic potential of gastric cancer cells 期刊论文 Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|Zhu, Zhenggang|Zhu, Zhenggang|
14 Characterizationof differentially expressed genes involved in pathways associated with gastriccancer. 期刊论文 Zhu Z|Zhu Z|Liu B*|Liu B*|
15 CEACAM6 promotes tumor angiogenesis and vasculogenicmimicry in gastric cancer via FAK signaling. 期刊论文 Liu B*|Liu B*|Yan M*|Yan M*|
16 以分子标志物为基础的胃癌发病分子机制研究 奖励 刘炳亚|刘炳亚|
17 Hepatocyte growth factor activates tumor stromal fibroblasts to promote tumorigenesis in gastric cancer 期刊论文 Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|Su, Liping|Su, Liping|
18 以分子标志物为基础的胃癌发病分子机制的研究 奖励
19 Hec1/Ndc80 is overexpressed in human gastric cancer and regulates cell growth 期刊论文 Cai, Qu|Cai, Qu|Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|
20 分子标志物在胃癌发病机制及转化医学研究中的应用 奖励
21 Down-regulated miR-625 suppresses invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer by targeting ILK. 期刊论文 Yan M|Gu Q|Zhu Z|Liu B|
22 Epigenetic silencing of microRNA-149 in cancer-associated fibroblastsmediates prostaglandin E2/interleukin-6 signaling in the tumor microenvironment. 期刊论文 Liu BY*|Liu BY*|ZhuZG*|ZhuZG*|
23 Overexpressed miR-301a promotes cell proliferation and invasion by targeting RUNX3 in gastric cancer 期刊论文 Zhu, Zhenggang|Zhu, Zhenggang|Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|
24 Hec1/Ndc80 is overexpressed in human gastric cancer and regulates cell growth. 期刊论文 刘炳亚|刘炳亚|
25 以分子标志物为基础的胃癌发病机制及转化医学研究 奖励
26 Decrease of miR-202-3p Expression, a Novel Tumor Suppressor, in Gastric Cancer 期刊论文 Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|Zhu, Zhenggang|Zhu, Zhenggang|
27 Epigenetic Silencing of miR-338-3p Contributes to Tumorigenicity in Gastric Cancer by Targeting SSX2IP 期刊论文 Liu, Bingya|Liu, Bingya|Zhu, Zhenggang|Zhu, Zhenggang|
28 CEACAM6 promotes gastric cancer invasion and metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition via PI3K/AKT signaling pathway 期刊论文 Liu B.|Liu B.|Yan M.|Yan M.|
29 microRNA-155 is downregulated in gastric cancer cells and involved in cell metastasis. 期刊论文 Su LP| Li JF| Yu YY| Yan M|
30 Decreased expression of long non-coding RNA WT1-AS promotes cell proliferation and invasion in gastric cancer. 期刊论文 Zhu Z|Zhu Z|Liu B|Liu B|
31 胃癌基础与临床新进展 专著

