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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Interactions between FLG mutations and allergens in atopic dermatitis. 期刊论文 Cheng R|Xue H|Zhou H|Yao Z|
2 A novel mutation in the COL7A1 gene results in a unique phenotype of epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa. 期刊论文 Liang J|Li C|Li M|Yao Z|
3 Gene diagnosis and prenatal genetic diagnosis of a case of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa family caused by gonadosomatic mosaicism for the COL7A1 mutation p.Gly2043Arg in the pregnant mother. 期刊论文 Cheng R|Liang J|Li M|Yao Z|
4 Effects of lidocaine on regulatory T cells in atopic dermatitis. 期刊论文 Liang J|Yu X|Wang H|Yao Z|
5 Common FLG mutation K4671X not associated with atopic dermatitis in Han Chinese in a family association study. 期刊论文 Cheng R, Li M, Zhang H, Guo Y, Chen X, Tao J, Jiang A, Yao Z|
6 Mutations in POFUT1, encoding protein O-fucosyltransferase 1, cause generalized Dowling-Degos disease. 期刊论文 Li, Chunqi|Hao, Fei|Yu, Hong|Yao, Zhirong|
7 Mutations analysis in filaggrin gene in northern China patients with atopic dermatitis. 期刊论文 Li M, Liu Q, Liu J, Cheng R, Zhang H, Xue H, Bao Y|
8 Lidocaine inhibits staphylococcal enterotoxin-stimulated activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with atopic dermatitis. 期刊论文 Zhang H|Chen X|Cheng R|Yao Z|
9 Prevalent and rare mutations in IL-36RN gene in Chinese patients with generalized pustular psoriasis and psoriasis vulgaris. 期刊论文 Shi, Jialiang|Guo, Yifeng|Wu, Rina|Yao, Zhirong|
10 Molecular Characterization of NF1 and Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in a Chinese Population. 期刊论文 Zhang, Furen|Lu, Weiqi|Li, Ming|Yao, Zhirong|
11 A recurrent mutation in the APCDD1 gene responsible for hereditary hypotrichosis simplex in a large Chinese family 期刊论文 Li M|Cheng R|Zhuang Y|Yao Z|
12 Common FLG mutation K4671X not associated with atopic dermatitis in Han Chinese in a family association study. 期刊论文 Cheng R, Li M, Zhang H, Guo Y, Chen X, Tao J, Jiang A, Yao Z|
13 Lidocaine inhibits staphylococcal enterotoxin-stimulated activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with atopic dermatitis 期刊论文 Jiao Q、Wang H、Hu Z、Zhuang Y|Yang W、Li M、Yu X、Liang J、Guo Y、Zhang H|Chen X、Cheng R、Yao Z.|
14 Genotype-phenotype correlation of xeroderma pigmentosum in a Chinese Han population. 期刊论文 Liang J|Cheng R|Li M|Yao Z|
15 Mutations analysis in filaggrin gene in northern China patients with atopic dermatitis 期刊论文 Zhang, H.|Xue, H.|Bao, Y.|Yao, Z.|
16 Analyses of FLG mutation frequency and filaggrin expression in isolatedichthyosis vulgaris (IV) and atopic dermatitis-associated IV. 期刊论文 Zhang G|Liu Q|Yu H|Yao Z|

