
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Orthogonal Discriminant Improved Local Tangent Space Alignment Based Feature Fusion for Face Recognition 期刊论文 张强|蔡云泽|许晓鸣|
2 The Kalman Filtering for a class of Local Strongly Coupled Systems 会议论文 Yunze Cai is with the Department of Automation,Sha|
3 The Optimal Filtering for a Class of Local Strongly Coupled Systems 会议论文 LU Jun~1,CAI Yunze~|
4 Evolution of cooperation among mobile agents 期刊论文 Chen, Zhuo|Gao, Jianxi|Cai, Yunze|Xu, Xiaoming|
5 The optimal distributed filtering for the coupled systems with random delay 期刊论文 Cai, Yunze|Lu, Jun|Wang, O. Hua|Xu, Xiaoming|
6 全信息图像质量评估研究发展综述 期刊论文 韩瑜|曹寅|蔡云泽|许晓鸣|
7 具有马尔可夫通信过程的分布式估计器设计 期刊论文 綦祥|刘成成|蔡云泽|
8 Evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game in flocks 期刊论文 Chen, Zhuo|Gao, Jianxi|Cai, Yunze|Xu, Xiaoming|
9 A new image fusion performance metric based on visual information fidelity 期刊论文 Han, Yu|Cai, Yunze|Cao, Yin|Xu, Xiaoming|
10 Percolation of partially interdependent networks under targeted attack 期刊论文 Dong G.|Gao J.|Tian L.|Du R.|He Y.|
11 Monotonic Regression: A New Way for Correlating Subjective and Objective Ratings in Image Quality Research 期刊论文 Han, Yu|Cai, Yunze|Cao, Yin|Xu, Xiaoming|
12 基于交互式多模型的红外/雷达低小慢目标跟踪算法研究 期刊论文 戚春|张聃|蔡云泽|
13 Robust Filtering for Linear Equality Constrained Systems 期刊论文 Wen, Chuanbo|Cai, Yunze|Xu, Xiaoming|
14 Optimal sequential Kalman filtering with cross-correlated measurement noises 期刊论文 Wen, Chuanbo|Cai, Yunze|Wen, Chenglin|Xu, Xiaoming|
15 Novel Face Recognition Method by Combining Spatial Domain and Selected Complex Wavelet Features 期刊论文 张强|蔡云泽|许晓鸣|
16 Robustness of a network formed by n interdependent networks with a one-to-one correspondence of dependent nodes 期刊论文 Gao J.|Buldyrev S.V.|Havlin S.|Stanley H.E.|
17 一类多智能体编队系统的分布式估计器设计 会议论文 綦祥|蔡云泽|
18 Study on Robust hinf filering in networked environments 期刊论文 Yunze Cai|Li Xu|Jianxi Gao|Xiaoming Xu|
19 Robust filtering for a class of local strongly coupled systems 会议论文 Lu Jun|Feng Guozhu|Cai Yunze|
20 Networks formed from interdependent networks 期刊论文 Gao J.|Buldyrev S.V.|Stanley H.E.|Havlin S.|
21 Distributed filtering basing consencus for the local strongly coupled sytstems 会议论文 Yunze Cai|Hua O Wang|
22 Contrast sensitivity function - A correction Comments on 'A human perception inspired quality metric for image fusion based on regional information' 期刊论文 Han, Yu|Xu, Xiaoming|Cai, Yunze|
23 移动博弈者之间基于信誉的伙伴选择机制研究 期刊论文 陈卓|蔡云泽|许晓鸣|
24 Robust filtering for networked systmes with random transmission delays and packet dropouts 会议论文 Yunze Cai|Hua O.Wang|Kazuo Tanaka|Xiaoming Xu|
25 Novel full-reference image quality assessment metric based on entropy fusion 期刊论文 Qiang Zhang|Yu Han|Yunze Cai|

