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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Volterra级数与摄动法的内在关系研究 期刊论文 彭志科;孟光;张文明
2 新型张臂式拉弯机拉弯加载轨迹的设计方法 专利 于忠奇;林忠钦;刘传香;陈仙风;孔庆帅
3 Mechanical Expansion of Thick-Walled Microgroove Tube for High Pressure ACR System 期刊论文 Tang Ding;Li Dayong;Peng Yinghong;Du Zhaohui;Tang D
4 Simulation of texture evolution during plastic deformation of FCC, BCC and HCP structured crystals with crystal plasticity based finite element method 期刊论文 Shi-yao HUANG|Shao-rui ZHANG|Da-yong LI|Ying-hong PENG|
5 Three-dimensional numerical simulation and experimental study of sheet metal bending by laser peen forming 期刊论文 Hu Yongxiang;Han Yefei;Yao Zhenqiang;Hu Jun
6 The parametric characteristic of bispectrum for nonlinear systems subjected to Gaussian input 期刊论文 Peng Z. K.;Zhang W. M.;Yang B. T.;Meng G.;Chu F. L.
7 Design optimization and fabrication of slotted-interdigitated thin metallic bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells 期刊论文 Peng LF|Lai XM|Yi PY|Mai JM.|
8 A Method to Calculate Working Capacity Space of Multi-DOF Manipulator and the Application in Excavating Mechanism 期刊论文 Wei B.C.|Gao F.|
9 Representation of functional micro-knowledge cell (FMKC) for conceptual design 期刊论文 Li Sheng;Hu Jie;Peng Ying-Hong
10 <span style="background: white; font-family:;" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="" new="" times="">Tolerance design optimization on cost–quality trade-off using the Shapley value method< 期刊论文 Jin S, Zheng C, Yu KG, Lai XM|
11 高性能尾气净化器柔性制造关键技术及成套装备 奖励 刘成良;李彦明;王家明;乔信起;连鑫;苑进;张武高;张召才;曹其新;张军荣
12 A numerical model for predicting gas diffusion layer failure in proton exchange membrane fuel cells 期刊论文 Yi PY|Peng LF|Lai XM|Ni J.|
13 High-temperature tensile properties of amorphous Fe78Si9B13/nano-Ni laminated composite 期刊论文 Li Xifeng;Chen Jun;Ma Zhihui;Zhang Kaifeng
14 Geometry and grain size effects on the forming limit of sheet metals in micro-scaled plastic deformation 期刊论文 Zhutian Xu;Linfa Peng;Xinmin Lai;Minwang Fu
15 Frequency-varying group delay estimation using frequency domain polynomial chirplet transform 期刊论文 Yang Y.;Peng Z. K.;Zhang W. M.;Meng G.
16 Assembly tolerance allocation using a coalitional game method 期刊论文 Zheng C.|Jin S.|Lai X.|Yu K.|
17 一种磁控电阻点焊方法及装置 专利 李永兵;林忠钦;沈琦;来新民;陈关龙
18 Material removal of optical glass BK7 during single and double scratch tests 期刊论文 Gu Weibin;Yao Zhenqiang;Liang Xinguang
19 Performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack using conductive amorphous carbon-coated 304 stainless steel bipolar plates 期刊论文 Lai, Xinmin|Gan, Pin|Feng, Lizhong|Yi, Peiyun|Peng, Linfa|
20 The simulation of sheet metal forming processes via integrating solid-shell element with explicit finite element method 期刊论文 Li L. M.;Li D. Y.;Peng Y. H.
21 Evaluation of Transmissibility for a Class of Nonlinear Passive Vibration Isolators 期刊论文 Peng Z.K.|Lang Z.Q.|Meng G.|
22 Laser peen forming induced two way bending of thin sheet metals and its mechanisms 期刊论文 Hu, Yongxiang|Xu, Xiaoxia|Yao, Zhenqiang|Hu, Jun|
23 Micro/Meso roll-to-plate (R2P) imprinting process to fabricate micro channel/riblet features 期刊论文 Gao Zhaoyang;Peng Linfa;Yi Peiyun;Lai Xinmin
24 Modeling texture evolution during rolling process of AZ31 magnesium alloy with elasto-plastic self consistent model 期刊论文 Huang Shi-yao;Zhang Shao-rui;Li Da-yong;Peng Ying-hong
25 微细辊对平板辊压成形工艺建模与尺度效应分析 期刊论文 高照阳;彭林法;易培云;来新民
26 复杂薄板产品装配的数字化工艺设计与装备技术 奖励 林忠钦;卢兵兵;练朝春;来新民;王永清;姚佐平;徐飞云;金隼;沈绍嵘;胡敏;储国平;罗竟涛;王华;王道斌;周江奇
27 低成本制造模式下微车车身装配质量控制技术及应用 奖励 金隼;林忠钦;绿朝春;姚佐平;徐飞云;储国平;王华;罗竟涛;来新民;王道斌;代勤华;汪杰强;尹国丽;周江奇
28 Fabrication of metallic bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cell by flexible forming process-numerical simulations and experiments 期刊论文 Peng LF|Lai XM|et al.|
29 机器人操作规划与空间几何推理理论 奖励 朱向阳;丁汉;王钧;熊振华
30 Reducing Force Transmissibility in Multiple Degrees of Freedom Structures Through Anti-symmetric Nonlinear Viscous Damping 期刊论文 Peng Z.K.|Lang Z.Q.|Meng G.|Billings S.A.|
31 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Optimization to the tube–fin contact status of the tube expansion process</span> 期刊论文 Tang D|Li DY|Peng YH|
32 Experimental study of electrical resistivity and flow stress of stainless steel 316L in electroplastic deformation 期刊论文 Jianmning Mai|Linfa Peng|Zhongqin Lin|Xinmin Lai|
33 Wavelet basis expansion-based Volterra kernel function identification through multilevel excitations 期刊论文 Cheng C.M.;Peng Z.K.;Zhang W.M.;Meng G.
34 基于参数化时频分析的非线性振动系统参数辨识 期刊论文 邓杨;彭志科;杨扬;张文明;孟光
35 An Improved Decomposition Method for Evaluating the Performance of Transfer Lines with Unreliable Machines and Finite Buffers 期刊论文 Xia B.X.|Xi L.F.|Zhou B.H.|
36 基于SVDD的发动机冷试多参数控制限设计 期刊论文 杨嘉;卜宇君;金隼
37 On an exact bending curvature model for nonlinear free vibration analysis shear deformable anisotropic laminated beams 期刊论文 Li, Zhi-Min|Qiao, Pizhong|
38 Parametric characteristic of the random vibration response of nonlinear systems 期刊论文 Dong, Xing-Jian|Peng, Zhi-Ke|Zhang, Wen-Ming|Meng, Guang|Chu, Fu-Lei|
39 Electrically assisted solid-state pressure welding process of SS 316 sheet metals 期刊论文 Xu Zhutian();Peng Linfa;Lai Xinmin()
40 Non-sinusoidal Fringe Model and Gamma Calibration in Phase Measuring Profilometry 期刊论文 Zhang X.|Zhu L.M.|Li Y.F.|Tu D.W.|
41 Case-based parametric design system for test turntable 期刊论文 Liu QS, Xi JT.|
42 车身检测数据的多元贝叶斯建模与质量监控 期刊论文 邹景明|金隼|
43 复杂曲面零件数字化制造理论和方法 奖励 丁汉;朱利民;熊蔡华;尹周平;丁烨;叶涛;熊有伦
44 汽车板精益成形技术 专著 林忠钦;李淑慧;于忠奇;蒋浩民;孔劲
45 基于NARMAX模型和NOFRF结构损伤检测的实验研究 期刊论文 程长明;彭志科;孟光
46 Performance Improvement of Wave-Like PEMFC Stack with Compound Membrane Electrode Assembly 期刊论文 Yi Peiyun;Peng Linfa;Lai Xinmin;Lin Zhongqin;Ni Jun
47 Single-machine-based production scheduling model integrated preventive maintenance planning. 期刊论文 Pan ES, Liao WZ, Xi LF.|
48 一种核泵转子系统试验台及水箱密封装置 专利 姚振强;徐正松;成德;薛亚波;龚春鸣;沈洪
49 Cr-N-C multilayer film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells using closed field unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating 期刊论文 Peiyun Yi|Linfa Peng|Tao Zhou|Hao Wu|Xinmin Lai|
50 一种竖直升降的液压悬挂机构 专利 郭为忠; 陈伟; 高峰
51 用于检测旋转机械运动状态的永磁旋转传感装置 专利 杨斌堂;孟光
52 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Experimental Investigation of Tensile Properties of SS316L and Fabrication of Micro/Mesochannel Features by 期刊论文 Peng LF; Mai JM;Jiang T, et al|
53 Modified Two-Stage Degradation Model for Dynamic Maintenance Threshold Calculation Considering Uncertainty 期刊论文 Sun J.W.|Li L.|Xi L.F.|
54 A chatter free calibration method for determining cutter runout and cutting force coefficients in ball-end milling 期刊论文 Yao Zhen-Qiang;Liang Xin-Guang;Luo Lei;Hu Jun
55 Optimum design of the slotted-interdigitated channels flow field for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with consideration of the gas diffusion layer intrusion 期刊论文 Lai, Xinmin|Peng, Linfa|Lin, Zhongqin|Hu, Peng|Mai, Jianming|
56 The Parametric Characteristic of Bispectrum for Nonlinear Systems Subjected to Gaussian Input(已录用) 期刊论文 Peng Z.K.|Zhang W.M.|Yang B.T.|Meng G.|Chu F.L.|
57 A quantitative study of solute diffusion field effects on heterogeneous nucleation and the grain size of alloys 期刊论文 Shu Da;Sun Baode;Mi J.;Grant P. S.
58 Analytical expression of the swept surface of a rotary cutter using the envelope theory of sphere congruence 期刊论文 Zheng G|Zhang XM|Zhu LM|Ding H|
59 The isomorphism identification of reducible performance for parallel mechanisms 期刊论文 Hao G.;Feng G.;Yue Y.
60 现代机构学进展 专著 高峰|
61 Global performance index system for kinematic optimization of robotic mechanism 期刊论文 Zhang P.;Yao Z.;Du Z.
62 Research on 3D Textured Dress Geometry Modeling 期刊论文 Sun J.|Chen X.B.|Lu X.Y.|Xi J.T.|
63 一种有膝关节并联腿结构四足仿生机器人 专利 高峰;田兴华;金振林;齐臣坤;郭为忠
64 Electrical-Assisted Embossing Process for Fabrication of Micro-Channels on 316L Stainless Steel Plate 期刊论文 Mai J.M.;Peng L.F.;Lai X.M.;Lin Z.Q.
65 Potential for reducing GHG emissions and energy consumption from implementing the aluminum intensive vehicle fleet in China 期刊论文 Du J. D.;Han W. J.;Peng Y. H.;Cu C. C.
66 <span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">微通道管材与换热器制造技术及其应用</span> 奖励 潘晓勇|唐鼎|施骏业|葛方根|阳洪|葛亚飞|黄国强|徐博|张志伟|
67 十二自由度混联腿结构四足步行器 专利 高峰;田兴华;金振林;齐臣坤;郭为忠
68 An accuracy algorithm for chip thickness modeling in 5-axis ball-end finish milling 期刊论文 Liang Xin-Guang;Yao Zhen-Qiang
69 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">An experimental investigation on the fabrication of micromeso surface features by metallic roll-to-plate imp 期刊论文 Gao ZY|Peng LF|Yi PY|Lai XM|
70 The polycrystalline plasticity due to slip and twinning during magnesium alloy forming 期刊论文 Zhang Shaorui;Peng Yinghong;Tang Weiqin;Li Dayong
71 Indirect decoding edges for one-shot shape acquisition. 期刊论文 Zhang X, Zhu LM, Li YF.|
72 A fuzzy knowledge fusion framework for terms conflict resolution in concurrent engineering 期刊论文 Hu Xiao;Hu Jie;Sekhari Aicha;Peng Yinghong;Cao Zhaomin
73 Experimental investigation on the large-area fabrication of micro-pyramid arrays by roll-to-roll hot embossing on PVC film 期刊论文 Yujun Deng;Peiyun Yi;Linfa Peng;Xinmin Lai();Zhongqin Lin
74 Modeling of Microchannel Hydroforming Process with Thin Metallic Sheets 期刊论文 Xu Z.T.|Peng L.F.|Yi P.Y.|Lai X.M.|
75 <span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">机械设备健康维护的若干理论与方法</span> 奖励 褚福磊|彭志科|卢文秀|袁胜发|何永勇|陈真勇|
76 Tool path optimisation for flank milling ruled surface based on the distance function 期刊论文 Zhang Xiao-Ming;Zhu Li-Min;Zheng Gang;Ding Han
77 多井抽油机 专利 高峰;张勇;金振林;赵现朝;郭为忠;陈杰
78 大型齿轮控形控性制造关键技术及应用 奖励 奚立峰;潘尔顺;刘建国;杨宇华;王文涛;陆志强;袁包钢;杜世昌;奚宪;刘臻;张艺群;黄海霞;戴立新;肖翔;李艳婷
79 <span style="background: rgb(217, 217, 217); line-height: 115%; font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt; mso-ascii-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&a 期刊论文 邹景明|储国平|梁树勇|尹国丽|
80 Simulation of magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet during cylindrical cup drawing with rate independent crystal plasticity finite element method 期刊论文 Tang Weiqin;Zhang Shaorui;Peng Yinghong;Li Dayong
81 First-principles study of point defects and Si site preference in Al3Ti 期刊论文 Zhu GL;Dai YB;Shu D;Xiao YP;Yang YX;Wang J;Sun BD;Boom R.
82 Development and characterization of multilayered Cr-C/a-C:Cr film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells 期刊论文 Peiyun Yi|Linfa Peng|Tao Zhou|Hao Wu|Xinmin Lai|
83 复杂曲面数字化制造的几何推理理论和方法 奖励 丁汉;朱向阳;尹周平;朱利民;王煜
84 An improved numerical integration method for predicting milling stability with varying time delay 期刊论文 Liang Xin-Guang;Yao Zhen-Qiang;Luo Lei;Hu Jun
85 <span style="font-family:;" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="" new="" times="">An efficient analytical method for performance evaluation of transfer lines with unreliable machine and fini 期刊论文 Beixin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Binghai Zhou, Shichan|
86 Electrical-assisted embossing process for fabrication of micro-channels on 316L stainless steel plate 期刊论文 Jianming Mai|Linfa Peng|Xinmin Lai|Zhongqin Lin|
87 Discontinuity-preserving Decoding of One-shot Shape Acquisition Using Regularized Color 期刊论文 Xu Zhang|Youfu Li|Limin Zhu|
88 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"=""><span> </span>Determination of the identifiable parameters in robot calibration based on the POE 期刊论文 Chen GL,|Wang H|Lin ZQ|
89 An incremental-update formulation to simulate earing behaviour with crystal plasticity model 期刊论文 Zhang S.|Huang S.|Li D.|Peng Y.|
90 <span style="font-family:;" new="" times="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Topology synthesis for parallel robotic mechanisms</span> 专著 高峰|
91 数控设备的高速高精运动控制关键技术及其应用 奖励 熊振华;盛鑫军;吴建华;何敏佳;杨堂勇;丁汉;宁军;庄春刚
92 Generalized Kinematic Mapping of Constrained Plane Motions and Its Application to the Accuracy Analysis of General Planar Parallel Robots 期刊论文 Chen G.L.|Wang H.|Lin Z.Q.|
93 Production-driven opportunistic maintenance for batch production based on MAM–APB scheduling 期刊论文 Tangbin Xia|Xiaoning Jin|Lifeng Xi|Jun Ni|
94 Thermal Postbuckling of Shear-Deformable Anisotropic Laminated Cylindrical Shells with Temperature-dependent Properties 期刊论文 Li Z.M.;Lin Z.Q.
95 <span lang="EN-US" style="font-family:;" new="" times="" ar-sa"="" zh-cn;="" en-us;="" 1.0pt;="" 宋体;="" 10.0pt;="" 10.5pt;="" roman" 期刊论文 Zhang X|Zhu LM.|
96 Robust adaptive control of piezo-actuated positioning stages with an ellipse-based hysteresis model 奖励 谷国迎|朱利民|
97 Kinematic Coupling Complexity of Heavy-payload Forging Manipulator 期刊论文 Chu X.B.|Gao F.|
98 Investigation on the non-homogeneity of residual stress field induced by laser shock peening 期刊论文 Hu Yongxiang;Gong Chumming;Yao Zhenqiang;Hu Jun
99 Direct Kinematic Analysis of a Heavy-payload Forging Manipulator in the Grasping Stage 期刊论文 Chu X.B.|Gao F.|Ge H.|
100 An onsite structure parameters calibration of large FOV binocular stereovision based on small-size 2D target 期刊论文 Wang Zhenxing;Zhuoqi Wu;Xijin Zhen;Rundang Yang;Juntong Xi
101 Friction behavior modeling and analysis in micro/meso scale metal forming process 期刊论文 Lai, Xinmin|Lee, Hye-Jin|Ni, Jun|Song, Jung-Han|Peng, Linfa|
102 Use of an Orthogonal Parallel Robot with Redundant Actuation as an Earthquake Simulator and Its Experiments 期刊论文 Zhang J.|Gao F.|Yu H.|Zhao X.|
103 Influence of extrusion parameters on grain size and texture distributions of AZ31 alloy 期刊论文 Tang Weiqin;Huang Shiyao;Zhang Shaorui;Li Dayong;Peng Yinghong
104 Application of Parameterized Time-Frequency Analysis on Multicomponent Frequency Modulated Signals 期刊论文 Yang Y.|Peng Z.|Dong X.|Zhang W.|Meng G.|
105 <span style="font-family:;" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="" new="" times="">165MN</span><span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">自由锻造油压机</span> 奖励 韩炳涛|吕亚臣|高峰|谢东钢|王醒雷等|
106 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Composition optimization of multilayered chromium-nitride–carbon film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar pla 期刊论文 Yi PY|Peng LF|Zhou T|et al|
107 Wavelet basis expansion-based spatio-temporal Volterra kernels identification for nonlinear distributed parameter systems 期刊论文 Cheng C. M.;Dong X. J.;Peng Z. K.;Zhang W. M.;Meng G.
108 An analytical model to predict residual stress field induced by laser shock peening 期刊论文 Hu YX|Yao ZQ|et al.|
109 精密驱动振动台 专利 杨斌堂;孟光
110 <span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">国际合作奖</span> 奖励 倪军|
111 并联机器人机构拓扑与尺度设计理论 奖励 高峰;刘辛军;赵现朝;金振林;李为民
112 <span style="font-family:;" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="" new="" times="">Optimal maintenance policy for degrading manufacturing systems using long-term average cost criterion</sp 期刊论文 Jiwen Sun|Lifeng Xi|
113 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">A micromechanics elastic–plastic constitutive model for sintered stainless steel fiber felt</span> 期刊论文 Yi PY|Peng LF|Liu N|Lai XM|Ni J|
114 <span style="font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,&quot;serif&quot;;font-size:10.5pt;">165MN</span><span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">自由锻造油压机研制</span> 奖励 韩炳涛|吕亚臣|高峰|谢东钢|王醒雷等|
115 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Cr–N–C multilayer film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells usi 期刊论文 Yi PY|Peng LF|Zhou T|et al|
116 Cr-N-C Multilayer Film on 316L Stainless Steel as Bipolar Plates for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Using Closed Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputter Ion Plating(已录用) 期刊论文 Yi P.Y.|Peng L.F.|Zhou T.|Wu H.|Lai X.M.|
117 An energy-based surface flattening method for flat pattern development of sheet metal components 期刊论文 Liu Q.;Xi J.;Wu Z.
118 微通道管材制备技术及在换热器中的应用 奖励 彭颖红;陈江平;李大永;唐鼎;施骏业;张卿卿;葛亚飞;葛方根;蔡培裕;张志伟;董军启;邹天下;徐博;唐伟琴;刘鹿鸣
119 Modelling the electromagnetic separation of non-metallic particles from liquid metal flowing through a two-stage multichannel. 期刊论文 Shu D, Mi J, Wang J, Sun BD.|
120 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">A new approach in evaluation of thermal contact conductance of tube–fin heat exchanger</span> 期刊论文 Tang D, Li DY, Peng YH, Du ZH|
121 美国机械工程师学会达芬奇设计与发明奖 奖励 高峰|
122 并联机器人型综合的GF集理论 专著 高峰;杨加伦;葛巧德
123 <span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">美国</span><span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Delsys&nbsp;Prize</span 奖励 张定国|
124 An initial solution estimation method based on As-Rigid-As-Possible mesh parameterization for one-step simulation 期刊论文 Liu Q.;Xi J.;Wu Z.
125 <span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">国际科技合作奖</span> 奖励 倪军|
126 汽车板精益成形技术 奖励 林忠钦;李淑慧;于忠奇;蒋浩民;孔劲
127 Investigation of grinding modes in horizontal surface grinding of optical glass BK7 期刊论文 Gu Weibin;Yao Zhenqiang;Li Haolin
128 复杂形面结构光高效精密三维测量关键技术及仪器 奖励 习俊通;陈晓波;张富强;赵毅;尧永春;杜正春;王月芳;孙健;吴卓琦;韦春州;孙进
129 Calibration of a Six-DOF Parallel Manipulator for Chromosome Dissection 期刊论文 Feng J.|Gao F.|Zhao X.|
130 Compliant assembly variation analysis of aeronautical panels using unified substructures with consideration of identical parts 期刊论文 Lin Jia;Jin Sun;Zheng Cheng;Li Zhimin;Liu Yinhua
131 <span style="font-family:;" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="" new="" times="">Operating load based real-time rolling grey forecasting for machine health prognosis in dynamic maintenance 期刊论文 Tangbin Xia|Xiaoning Jin|Lifeng Xi|Yuejun Zhang|Jun Ni|
132 Analysis of micro/mesoscale sheet forming process with uniform size dependent material constitutive model 期刊论文 Ni, Jun|Peng, Linfa|Song, Jung-Han|Lee, Hye-Jin|Lai, Xinmin|
133 Large-Amplitude vibration analysis of shear deformable laminated composite cylindrical shells with initial imperfections in thermal environments 期刊论文 Li Z.-M.;Chen X.-D.;Yu H.-D.
134 A novel damage detection approach by using Volterra kernel functions based analysis 期刊论文 Cheng C. M.();Peng Z. K.();Dong X. J.;Zhang W. M.;Meng G.
135 Stabilized multi-domain simulation algorithms and their application in simulation platform for forging manipulator 期刊论文 Huang S.;Zhao Y.;Wang H.;Lin Z.
136 Analytical model for straight hemming based on minimum energy method 期刊论文 Qian WANG, Xiang-huai DONG, He-zong LI, Hai-ming Z|
137 Study on shape error effect of metallic bipolar plate on the GDL contact pressure distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cell 期刊论文 Diankai Qiu;Peiyun Yi;Linfa Peng;Xinmin Lai
138 Alleviating the computational load of the probabilistic algorithms for circles detection using the connectivity represented by graph 期刊论文 Zhang X;Zhu LM
139 Energy distribution index for robot manipulators and its application to buffering capability evaluation 期刊论文 Wang H|Zhao K|Chen G|Lin Z.|
140 Diffusion mechanisms of vacancy and doped Si in Al3Ti from first-principles calculations 期刊论文 Zhu Guoliang;Dai Yongbing;Shu Da;Xiao Yanping;Yang Yongxiang;Wang Jun;Sun Baode;Boom Rob
141 A CAD/CAM system for fabrication of facial prosthesis 期刊论文 Sun J, Chen XB, Xi JT, Xiong YY.|
142 复杂曲面数字化制造的几何学理论和方法 专著 丁汉;朱利民
143 半导体芯片制造系统建模与优化调度控制 专著 江志斌
144 Determination of material intrinsic length and strain gradient hardening in microbending process. 期刊论文 Li HZ;Dong XH;Wang Q;Shen Y;Diehl A;Hagenah H;Engel U;Merkiein M.
145 Projector calibration from the camera image point of view 期刊论文 Zhang Xu;Zhu Limin
146 Type synthesis of parallel mechanisms having the first class GF sets and one-dimensional rotation 期刊论文 Yang Jialun;Gao Feng;Ge Qiaode Jeffrey;Zhao Xianchao;Guo Weizhong;Jin Zhenlin
147 Investigation of Thermal Influence on the Assembly of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks 期刊论文 Peng L.F.|Qiu D.K.|Yi P.Y.|Lai X.M.|
148 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Imperfect </span><span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman&qu 期刊论文 Sun J|Xiong YY|Chen XB|Xi JT|
149 Template-based Framework for Nasal Prosthesis Fabrication(已录用) 期刊论文 Sun J.|Xi J.T.|
150 A stabilized underintegrated enhanced assumed strain solid-shell element for geometrically nonlinear plate/shell analysis 期刊论文 L.M. Li|Y.H. Peng|D.Y. Li|
151 The&nbsp;Orientation Capability Analysis of a P-R-(PS-3-SPS)-type Segment Erector for Shield Machine 奖励 Yalei Guo|Yiwei Zhou|Jianyu Mao|Mo Li|郭为忠|
152 General parameterized time-frequency transform 期刊论文 Yang Y.|Peng Z.K.|Dong X.J.|Zhang W.M.|Meng G.|
153 土壤作物信息采集与肥水精量实施关键技术及装备 奖励 刘成良;陈立平;黄丹枫;张佳宝;苑 进;朱 艳;周 俊;刘建政;徐富安;戎 恺
154 液压驱动空间混联腿结构四足机器人 专利 高峰;田兴华;金振林;齐臣坤;赵现朝
155 <span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">现代机构学理论与应用研究进展</span> 专著 郭为忠|
156 Study on evaluation method of tube-fin thermal contact conductance 期刊论文 Tang D.;Li D.;Peng Y.;Du Z.;Li D.;Peng Y.;Tang D
157 Investigation of Sintered Stainless Steel Fiber Felt as Gas Diffusion Layer in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells 期刊论文 Yi P.Y.|Peng L.F.|Lai X.M.|Li M.T.|Ni J.|
158 <span style="font-family:宋体;font-size:10.5pt;">机械故障诊断中的现代信号处理方法</span> 专著 彭志科|
159 各向同性混联腿构型四足步行机器人 专利 高峰;金振林;田兴华;齐臣坤;王静
160 A unified approach to the accuracy analysis of planar parallel manipulators both with input uncertainties and joint clearance 期刊论文 Chen Genliang;Wang Hao;Lin Zhongqin
161 <span style="font-family:;" times="" new="" roman","serif";font-size:10.5pt;"="">Development and characterization of multilayered Cr–C/aC: Cr film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates 期刊论文 Yi PY|Peng LF|Zhou T|et al|
162 Numerical and experimental study on in-plane bending of microchannel aluminum flat tube 期刊论文 Zhang Qingqing;Tang Ding;Li Dayong;Peng Yinghong
163 Effects of dynamic recrystallization in extruded and compressed AZ31 magnesium alloy 期刊论文 Fan Xiaohui;Tang Weiqin;Zhang Shaorui;Li Dayong;Peng Yinghong
164 A comprehensive study of three dimensional tolerance analysis methods 期刊论文 Chen Hua;Jin Sun;Li Zhimin;Lai Xinmin
165 3D surface form error evaluation using high definition metrology 期刊论文 Wang, Meng|Xi, Lifeng|Du, Shichang|
166 An investigation of electrical-assisted solid-state welding/bonding process for thin metallic sheets: Experiments and modeling 期刊论文 Peng, Linfa|Xu, Zhutian|Lai, Xinmin|
167 新型并联腿结构四足步行器 专利 高峰;金振林;田兴华;齐臣坤;赵现朝
168 自驱动关节 专利 杨斌堂; 孟光
169 Generic nonsinusoidal fringe model and gamma calibration in phase measuring profilometry 期刊论文 Zhang, Xu|Zhu, Limin|Li, Youfu|Tu, Dawei|
170 Friction and wear performance of laser peen textured surface under starved lubrication 期刊论文 Li Kangmei;Yao Zhenqiang;Hu Yongxiang;Gu Weibin
171 Condition-based maintenance for intelligent monitored series system with independent machine failure modes 期刊论文 Xia, Tangbin|Xi, Lifeng|Zhou, Xiaojun|Lee, Jay|
172 A micromechanics elastic-plastic constitutive model for sintered stainless steel fiber felt 期刊论文 Peiyun Yi;Linfa Peng;Ning Liu;Xinmin Lai;Jun Ni
173 Color Code Identification in Coded Structured Light 期刊论文 Xu Zhang|Youfu Li|Limin Zhu|
174 海上重型起重装备全回转浮吊关键技术及应用 奖励 严兵;田洪;严云福;曹文发;奚立峰;费国;宓为建;杨勤;赵之栋;郭宏亮
175 Study on a novel electrical-assisted pressure welding process of thin metallic foils 期刊论文 Xu, Zhutian|Peng, Linfa|Yi, Peiyun|Lai, Xinmin|
176 飞机前起落架装配前调姿定位在线调整系统及其方法 专利 林忠钦;姜丽萍;陈关龙;蒋坚;金隼;陈磊;陈伟;卢鹄
177 Multicomponent Signal Analysis Based on Polynomial Chirplet Transform 期刊论文 Yang Yang;Zhang Wenming;Peng Zhike;Meng Guang
178 Composition optimization of multilayered chromium-nitride-carbon film on 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells 期刊论文 Peiyun Yi;Linfa Peng;Tao Zhou;Jiaqiang Huang;Xinmin Lai
179 Thermal postbuckling behavior of 3D braided beams with initial geometric imperfection under different type temperature distributions 期刊论文 Li, Zhi-Min|

