
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Electrolyte solution transport in electropolar nanotubes 期刊论文 Zhao Jianbing;Culligan Patricia J.;Qiao Yu;Zhou Qulan;Li Yibing;Tak Moonho;Park Taehyo;Chen Xi
2 A conceptual thermal actuation system driven by interface tension of nanofluids 期刊论文 Xu Baoxing;Qiao Yu;Park Taehyo;Tak Moonho;Zhou Qulan;Chen Xi
3 Elastic buckling of gradient thin films on compliant substrates 期刊论文 Yin Jie;Chen Xi
4 Thermal effect on the dynamic infiltration of water into single-walled carbon nanotubes 期刊论文 J. B. Zhao L. Liu P. J. Culligan;X. Chen
5 Effects of anion size and concentration on electrolyte invasion into molecular-sized nanopores 期刊论文 L. Liu X. Chen T. Kim A. J. Han;Y. Qiao
6 Energy Dissipation of Nanoporous MFI Zeolite Under Dynamic Crushing 期刊论文 Xu Baoxing;Liu Ling;Zhou Qulan;Qiao Yu;Xu Jun;Li Yibing;Tak Mooho;Park Taehyo;Chen Xi
7 Buckling patterns of thin films on curved compliant substrates with applications to morphogenesis and three-dimensional micro-fabrication 期刊论文 Chen Xi;Yin Jie
8 Effect of wall roughness on fluid transport resistance in nanopores 期刊论文 Xu Baoxing;Li Yibing;Park Taehyo;Chen Xi
9 Automotive windshield - pedestrian head impact: Energy absorption capability of interlayer material 期刊论文 J. Xu Y. B. Li X. Chen D. Y. Ge B. H. Liu M. Y. Zhu;T. H. Park
10 Confined Liquid Flow in Nanotube: A Numerical Study and Implications for Energy Absorption 期刊论文 X. Chen|J. B. Zhao, Y. Qiao, P. J. Culligan|
11 Mass transfer characteristics in double-contact-flow absorber with liquid column/screen flow type: Modeling and experiment 期刊论文 Li Na;Zhou Qulan;Kong Dejuan;Chen Xi;Xu Tongmo;Hui Shien
12 Characterization of strain rate sensitivity and activation volume using the indentation relaxation test 期刊论文 Xu Baoxing;Yue Zhufeng;Chen Xi
13 An indentation fatigue strength law 期刊论文 B. X. Xu A. Yonezu;X. Chen
14 A size-dependent Kirchhoff micro-plate model based on strain gradient elasticity theory 期刊论文 Wang Binglei;Zhou Shenjie;Zhao Junfeng;Chen Xi
15 Pull-in Instability Analysis of Electrostatically Actuated Microplate with Rectangular Shape 期刊论文 Wang Binglei;Zhou Shenjie;Zhao Junfeng;Chen Xi
16 Effect of surface/interface stress on the plastic deformation of nanoporous materials and nanocomposites 期刊论文 Zhang, W. X.|Wang, T. J.|Chen, X.|
17 Evaluation of critical strain for crack nucleation of magnesium di-boride superconductor using indentation method 期刊论文 Yonezu Akio;Chen Xi
18 Buckling patterns of thin films on compliant substrates: the effect of plasticity 期刊论文 Yin Jie;Chen Xi
19 Effect of surface roughness on thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires 期刊论文 L. Liu;X. Chen
20 Modeling and simulation of curled dry leaves 期刊论文 Xiao Hang;Chen Xi
21 Size-dependent pull-in instability of electrostatically actuated microbeam-based MEMS 期刊论文 Wang Binglei;Zhou Shenjie;Zhao Junfeng;Chen Xi
22 Model updating of lattice structures: A substructure energy approach 期刊论文 Fang Hui;Wang Tie Jun;Chen Xi
23 Evaluation of elastoplastic properties and fracture strength of thick diamond like carbon film by indentation 期刊论文 A. Yonezu;X. Chen
24 Effect of Electric Field on Liquid Infiltration into Hydrophobic Nanopores 期刊论文 Xu Baoxing;Qiao Yu;Zhou Qulan;Chen Xi
25 On the anisotropic deformation of AZ31 Mg alloy under compression 期刊论文 Qingwei Dai;Dingfei Zhang;Xi Chen
26 The role of mechanical stress on the formation of a curly pattern of human hair 期刊论文 B. X. Xu|X. Chen|
27 Flow Transition Behavior of the Wetting Flow Between the Film Flow and Rivulet Flow on an Inclined Wall 期刊论文 Iso Yoshiyuki;Chen Xi
28 Experimental study on desulfurization efficiency and gas-liquid mass transfer in a new liquid-screen desulfurization system 期刊论文 Sun Zhongwei;Wang Shengwei;Zhou Qulan;Hui Shi';Hui Shi';en
29 Effect of particle size in a limestone-hydrochloric acid reaction system 期刊论文 Sun Bo;Zhou Qulan;Chen Xi;Xu Tongmo;Hui Shien
30 Buckling of anisotropic films on cylindrical substrates: insights for self-assembly fabrication of 3D helical gears 期刊论文 J. Yin;X. Chen
31 An electroactuation system based on nanofluids 期刊论文 Xu Baoxing;Qiao Yu;Li Yibing;Zhou Qulan;Chen Xi
32 Characteristics of windshield cracking upon low-speed impact: Numerical simulation based on the extended finite element method 期刊论文 Xu Jun;Li Yibing;Chen Xi;Yan Yuan;Ge Dongyun;Zhu Mengyi;Liu Bohan

