
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The effect of heat treatment technology on mechanical properties of Al/Al alloys multilayer sheet fabricated by hot roll bonding 会议论文 Chen Zejun;Chen Quanzhong;Nyirenda Kawunga;Liu Qing
2 Deformation twinning in polycrystalline Co during room temperature dynamic plastic deformation 期刊论文 Zhang X. Y.;Zhu Y. T.;Liu Q.
3 Development of high-strength magnesium alloys via combined processes of extrusion, rolling and ageing 期刊论文 Li R.G.1;Nie J.F.1 2;Huang G.J.1;Xin Y.C.1;Liu Q.1
4 Formation of {1 1 (2)over-bar 1} twins in polycrystalline cobalt during dynamic plastic deformation 期刊论文 Zhu Y. T.;Zhang X. Y.;Ni H. T.;Xu F.;Tu J.;Lou C.
5 Quantitative Characterization of Partial Dislocations in Nanocrystalline Metals 期刊论文 Ni Hai-Tao;Zhang Xi-Yan;Zhu Yu-Tao
6 EBSD技术在稀土变形镁合金微观表征中的应用 期刊论文 曾柯;辛仁龙;李波;汪炳叔;黄光杰;刘庆
7 Study on dislocation slips in ferrite and deformation of cementite in cold drawn pearlitic steel wires from medium to high strain 期刊论文 Zhang X.D.;Godfrey A.;Liu W.;Liu Q.
8 Effects of strain rate and temperature on microstructure and texture for AZ31 during uniaxial compression 期刊论文 Xin Ren-Long;Wang Bing-Shu;Zhou Zheng;Huang Guang-Jie;Liu Qing
9 珠光体钢丝冷拉拔过程中微观组织及铁素体微区取向与织构演变 期刊论文 张晓丹|A.Godfrey|刘伟|刘庆|ZHANG Xiaodan,A.Godfrey,LIU Wei Department of Mate|
10 Effect of crystal orientation on the mechanical properties and strain hardening behavior of magnesium alloy AZ31 during uniaxial compression 期刊论文 Wang Bingshu1;Xin Renlong1;Huang Guangjie1;Liu Qing1 2
11 Strain rate and texture effects on microstructural characteristics of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy during compression 期刊论文 Wang Bingshu;Xin Renlong;Huang Guangjie;Liu Qing
12 Microstructure and strengthening mechanisms in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wire 期刊论文 Xiaodan Zhang;Andy Godfrey;Xiaoxu Huang;Niels Hansen;Qing Liu
13 Mechanical properties and anisotropy of Mg alloy with twin lamellae 会议论文 Song B.;Xin R.L.;Chen G.;Zhang X.Y.;Liu Q.
14 Strain effects on annealing behaviours of moderately deformed nanocrystalline nickel 期刊论文 Ni, H. T.|Zhang, X. Y.|Chen, X.|Yu, L.|
15 Influence of extrusion ratio on microstructure and texture developments of high-temperature extruded AZ31 Mg alloy 期刊论文 Li NaLi;Huang GuangJie;Xin RenLong;Liu Qing
16 Observation of twins in polycrystalline cobalt containing face-center-cubic and hexagonal-close-packed phases 期刊论文 Zhu Y.T.;Zhang X.Y.;Liu Q.
17 Research on the Al/Mg/Al Three-layer Clad Sheet Fabricated by Hot Roll Bonding Technology 期刊论文 Chen Zejun;Zeng Zhen;Huang Guangjie;Liu Qing
18 Structural examination of aging precipitation in a Mg-Y-Nd alloy at different temperatures 期刊论文 Xin Renlong;Li Ling;Zeng Ke;Song Bo;Liu Qing
19 Strengthening and toughening of magnesium alloy by {10-12} extension twins 期刊论文 Xin Yunchang;Wang Maoyin;Zeng Zhen;Nie Mingguang;Liu Qing
20 Effect of twinning on mechanical property and workability of Mg alloy 会议论文 Xin R.L.;Xin Y.C.;Huang G.J.;Liu Q.
21 Influence of texture on corrosion rate of AZ31 Mg alloy in 3.5wt.% NaCl 期刊论文 Xin R.L.;Li B.;Li L.;Liu Q.
22 Effect of aging precipitation on mechanical anisotropy of an extruded Mg–Y–Nd alloy 期刊论文 Renlong Xin;Bo Song;Ke Zeng;Guangjie Huang;Qing Liu
23 Effect of iron content on mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline nickel and alloys 期刊论文 Ni H. T.;Zhang X. Y.
24 Microstructure and texture evolution during friction stir processing of AZ31 Mg alloy 会议论文 Xin Renlong;Li Bo;Liu Qing
25 机械磨抛/振动抛光夹具 专利 刘庆;郭宁;栾佰峰;周正
26 冷拉拔珠光体钢丝中渗碳体变形与溶解研究 期刊论文 张晓丹;Godfrey Andrew;刘伟;刘庆
27 Texture effect on corrosion behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy in simulated physiological environment 期刊论文 Xin Renlong;Luo Yuanming;Zuo Ailing;Gao Jiacheng;Liu Qing
28 Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ni-30Fe alloy 期刊论文 H.T. Ni;X.Y. Zhang;P.Y. Li
29 Back-scattered electron imaging combined with EBSD technique for characterization of pearlitic steels 期刊论文 Guo N.;Liu Q.
30 Microstructure evolution and mechanical property of nanocrystalline Ni-20Fe alloy during cold rolling 期刊论文 Ni, H. T.|Zhang, X. Y.|
31 Zr-Nb、Zr-Sn-Nb合金轧制板材织构分析 期刊论文 刘二伟;张喜燕;陈建伟;栾佰峰;刘庆;李中奎;周军
32 The application of back-scattered electron imaging for characterization of pearlitic steels 期刊论文 Guo Ning;Liu Qing;Xin YunChang;Luan BaiFeng;Zhou Zheng
33 一种金属杯突试验试样制备夹具 专利 郭宁;栾佰峰;刘庆;李娜丽;黄光杰
34 一种细化镁合金板材晶粒的方法 专利 陈兴品;林震霞;肖睿;孙灿;陈雪;尚都;刘庆
35 轧制复合三层铝合金板变形规律及力学性能的研究 期刊论文 黄光杰;邹彬;黄鑫;陈泽军;刘庆
36 Improving tensile and compressive properties of magnesium alloy plates by pre-cold rolling 期刊论文 Song Bo;Xin Renlong;Chen Gang;Zhang Xiyan;Liu Qing
37 析出相对镁合金变形机理影响的研究进展 期刊论文 宋波;辛仁龙;刘庆
38 Quantitative defect evolution of nanocrystalline nickel during cold rolling 期刊论文 Ni, H. T.|Zhang, X. Y.|
39 Microhardness profile and Microstructure characterization in friction stir processing zone of the aged and solid solution treated 7075 aluminum alloys 会议论文 Zhou Z.;Chen S.;Liu Q.
40 铝/钛/铝三层复合板热轧工艺及微观组织研究 会议论文 陈泽军|陈全忠|黄光杰|刘雪峰|刘庆|
41 High-resolution electron microscopy study of the { 10 1 ¯ 1 } twin boundary and twinning dislocation analysis in deformed polycrystalline cobalt 期刊论文 Zhang, X.Y.1|Tu, J.1|Liu, Q.1|
42 {1 1 2 4} deformation twinning in pure Ti during dynamic plastic deformation 期刊论文 Xu, Feng1|Zhang, Xiyan1|Ni, Haitao1|Liu, Qing1|
43 累积复合轧制法制备层状超细晶材料的研究现状 期刊论文 黄光杰;邹彬;黄鑫;陈泽军;刘庆
44 Correlation between texture variation and transverse tensile behavior of friction-stir-processed AZ31 Mg alloy 期刊论文 Xin Renlong;Li Bo;Liao Ailin;Zhou Zheng;Liu Qing
45 Effect of initial texture on dynamic recrystallization of AZ31 Mg alloy during hot rolling 期刊论文 Wang Maoyin;Xin Renlong;Wang Bingshu;Liu Qing

