
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Adsorption study of gallic acid by hyper cross-linked resin modified by amino function groups 期刊论文 Wang Jinnan|Xu Li|Li Aimin|Zhou Yang|Xu Ling|
2 Adsorption of 5-sodiosulfoisophthalic acids from aqueous solution onto poly (2-vinylpyridine) resin 期刊论文 W.H. Tao;A.M. Li;C. Long;H.M. Qian;D.J. Xu;J. Chen
3 Effects of the functional groups attached to aromatic organic compounds on their adsorption onto preloaded activated carbon 期刊论文 Z.Y. Lu;B.C. Jiang;A.M. Li
4 Preparation of a novel magnetic powder resin for the rapid removal of tetracycline in the aquatic environment 期刊论文 Qing Zhou;Man Cheng Zhang;Chen Dong Shuang;Zhe Qin Li;Ai Min Li
5 Efficient removal of tetracycline by reusable magnetic microspheres with a high surface area 期刊论文 Zhou Qing;Li Zheqin;Shuang Chendong;Li Aimin;Zhang Mancheng;Wang Mengqiao
6 Magnetic polyacrylic anion exchange resin: preparation, characterization and adsorption behavior of humic acid 期刊论文 C.D. Shuang;F. Pan;Q. Zhou;A.M. Li;P.H. Li;W.B. Yang
7 水体中四环素类抗生素的去除技术研究进展 期刊论文 李喆钦;周庆;李爱民
8 Selective removal of nitrate from water by a macroporous strong basic anion exchange resin 期刊论文 Haiou Song;Yang Zhou;Aimin Li;Sandra Mueller
9 Preparation and application of a novel magnetic anion exchange resin for selective nitrate removal 期刊论文 Zhou Yang;Shuang Chen Dong;Zhou Qing;Zhang Man Cheng;Li Peng Hui;Li Ai Min
10 HPLC/HPSEC-FLD with multi-excitation/emission scan for EEM interpretation and DOM analysis 期刊论文 W.T. Li;Z.X. Xu;A.M. Li;Q. Zhou;J.N. Wang
11 化工生化尾水中溶解性有机污染物的富集分离 期刊论文 王津南;李爱民;卢宇飞;薛玉志;周友冬
12 一种基于深度净化废水后树脂高浓脱附液的处置方法 专利 李爱民;许玲;范俊;姜笔存;蒋淡宁
13 一种粉体树脂脱附再生反应器 专利 李爱民;范俊;龙超;姜笔存;双陈冬
14 Investigation of the anti-fouling performance of an aminated resin 期刊论文 Z.Y. Lu;B.C. Jiang;A.M. Li
15 一种高比表面积磁性树脂及其制备方法和应用 专利 李爱民;周庆;张满成;双陈冬;王梦乔;周扬;江野立;徐子潇
16 连续式高氨氮尾水的深度处理系统及处理方法 专利 王津南;李爱民;双陈冬;王琼杰;范俊;许丽
17 Evaluation of the flocculation performance of carboxymethyl chitosan-graft-polyacrylamide, a novel amphoteric chemically bonded composite flocculant 期刊论文 Yang Zhen;Yuan Bo;Huang Xin;Zhou Junyu;Cai Jun;Yang Hu;Li Aimin;Cheng Rongshi
18 Ditetraalkylammonium amino acid ionic liquids as CO2 absorbents of high capacity 期刊论文 J.W. Ma;Z. Zhou;F. Zhang;C.G. Fang;Y.T. Wu;Z.B. Zhang;A.M. Li
19 Inhibiting 1,3-dinitrobenzene formation in Fenton oxidation of nitrobenzene through a controllable reductive pretreatment with zero-valent iron 期刊论文 Jiang Bicun;Lu Zhaoyang;Liu Fuqiang;Li Aimin;Dai Jianjun;Xu Ling;Chu Limei
20 Removal of dyes from aqueous solutions by straw based adsorbents: Batch and column studies 期刊论文 W.X. Zhang|H. Yan|H.J. Li|Z.W. Jiang|L. Dong|X.W. Kan|H. Yang|A.M. Li|R.S. Cheng|
21 Quaternized magnetic microspheres for the efficient removal of reactive dyes 期刊论文 Shuang Chendong;Li Penghui;Li Aimin;Zhou Qing;Zhang Mancheng;Zhou Yang
22 一种印染废水的高效组合处理方法 专利 喻学敏;张龙;吴伟;刘伟京;许明;涂勇;吴海锁;李爱民
23 Adsorption of amphoteric Aromatic compounds by hypercrosslinked resins with amino groups and sulphonic groups 期刊论文 Zhang Haiyun|Li Aimin|Sun Jie|Li Penghui|
24 Assessment of the manganese content of the drinking water source in Yancheng, China 期刊论文 Jinnan Wang;Aimin Li;Qiongjie Wang;Yang Zhou;Lichun Fu;Yan Li
25 Formation of soluble microbial products (SMP) by activated sludge at various salinities 期刊论文 Li Yan;Li Ai-Min;Xu Juan;Li Wen-Wei;Yu Han-Qing
26 Enhanced adsorption of bisphenol A from water by acetylaniline modified hyper-cross-linked polymeric adsorbent: Effect of the cross-linked bridge 期刊论文 Guqing Xiao;Lichun Fu;Aimin Li
27 Adsorption of humic acid by bi-functional resin JN-10 and the effect of alkali-earth metal ions on the adsorption 期刊论文 Wang, Jinnan|Xu, Li|Zhou, Yang|Li, Aimin|
28 一种造纸废水深度处理与回用方法 专利 李爱民;史小雪; 范俊;张海云;双陈冬;王文文
29 单宁酸与苯酚在复合功能树脂上的竞争吸附研究 期刊论文 陆朝阳;姜笔存;李爱民;王旭;马依菲;沈晓鹏
30 一种提高化工废水中零价铁预处理中零价铁利用率的方法 专利 李爱民;姜笔存;陆朝阳;范俊;许玲
31 A novel infrared spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of petroleum hydrocarbons, and animal and vegetable oils in water 期刊论文 S.L. Tang;Y. Zhang;S. Zhong;A.M. Li
32 氨基修饰超高交联树脂对单宁酸的吸附行为及机理研究 期刊论文 王津南;周扬;李爱民;许丽;许玲
33 Preparation of chitosan/poly(acrylic acid) magnetic composite microspheres and applications in the removal of copper(II) ions from aqueous solutions 期刊论文 H. Yan|L.Y. Yang|Z. Yang|H. Yang|A.M. Li|R.S. Cheng|
34 Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions by straw based adsorbent in a fixed-bed column 期刊论文 W.X. Zhang;L. Dong;H. Yan;H.J. Li;Z.W. Jiang;X.W. Kan;H. Yang;A.M. Li;R.S. Cheng
35 Efficient removal of both cationic and anionic dyes from aqueous solutions using a novel amphoteric straw-based adsorbent 期刊论文 W.X. Zhang|H. Yang|L. Dong|H. Yan|H.J. Li|Z.W. Jiang|X.W. Kan|A.M. Li|R.S. Cheng|
36 一种香芹酮生产废水的资源化处理方法 专利 刘福强;高健;胡大波;李正斌;李爱民;陈金龙;周宾;樊健;陆朝阳;龙超
37 Adsorption of humic substances by macro weakly basic ion-exchange resin and their effects on removal of Cu2+ and Pb2+ 期刊论文 J.N. Wang;Y. Zhou;A.M. Li;L. Xu;L. Xu
38 Preparation of acid-resistant magnetic adsorbent for effective removal of p-nitrophenol 期刊论文 Zhou Qing;Li Zhe Qin;Shuang Chen Dong;Li Ai Min;Wang Meng Qiao;Zhang Man Cheng
39 生化尾水吸附法深度处理前的预处理方法 专利 李爱民;陆朝阳;周友东;范俊;朱兆连;凌洪吉;林原;姜笔存;汪海萍;刘福强
40 Preparation, characterization and application of a copper (Ⅱ)-bound polymeric ligand exchanger for selective removal of arsenate from water 期刊论文 W.H. Tao;A.M. Li;C. Long;Z.C. Fan;W.W. Wang
41 Preparation of a novel anion exchange group modified hypercrosslinked resin for effective adsorption of both tetracycline and humic acid 期刊论文 Zhou Qing|Wang Mengqiao|Shuang Chendong|Aimin Li|
42 一种粉体树脂用于印染废水深度处理及回用的方法 专利 李爱民;范俊;刘福强;薛玉志;许玲;蒋淡宁
43 Adsorption studies of tannic acid by commercial ester resin XAD-7 期刊论文 Zhou, Yang|Li, Ai-min|Wang, Jin-nan|Xu, Li|
44 Preparation of magnetic anion exchange resin and their adsorption kinetic behavior of reactive blue 期刊论文 Shuang Chen Dong;Yang Feng;Pan Fei;Zhou Qing;Yang Wei Ben;Li Ai Min
45 活性炭对芳香有机物的吸附作用力研究进展 期刊论文 陆朝阳;李爱民
46 SMP production by activated sludge in the presence of a metabolic uncoupler, 3,3’,4’,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS) 期刊论文 B. Liu|L.C. Fu|W.W. Li|H.Q. Yu|
47 一种N-乙酰基乙二胺树脂及其制备方法 专利 刘福强;李兰娟;李保花;高洁;李爱民
48 Adsorption of anionic dyes from aqueous solutions using chemically modified straw 期刊论文 W.X. Zhang;H.J. Li;X.W. Kan;L. Dong;H. Yan;Z.W. Jiang;H. Yang;A.M. Li;R.S. Cheng
49 Study on the influence of humic acid of different molecular weight on basic ion exchange resin's adsorption capacity 期刊论文 Wang Jinnan|Li Aimin|Zhou Yang|Xu Li|
50 Selective removal of nitrate by using a novel macroporous acrylic anion exchange resin 期刊论文 H.O. Song|Y. Zhou|A.M. Li|S. Mueller|
51 Toxicity reduction in an industrial nitro-aromatic wastewater plant: an assessment and a proposed improvement 期刊论文 Lu Zhao-Yang;Jiang Bi-Cun;Li Ai-Min;Guo Hong-Yan;Sun Shu-Guang;Chu Li-Mei

