
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 锕系化合物多重化学键的理论研究 期刊论文 胡憾石;吴国是;李隽
2 Free tetra- and hexa-coordinated platinum-cyanide dianions, Pt(CN)42− and Pt(CN)62− : A combined photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopic and theoretical study 期刊论文 Xue-Bin Wang;Yi-Lei Wang;Hin-Koon Woo;Jun Li;Guo-Shi Wu;Lai-Sheng Wang
3 Infrared and DFT Investigations of the XC≡ReX3 and HC≡ReX3 Complexes: Jahn-Teller Distortion and the Methylidyne C-X(H) Stretching Absorptions 期刊论文 H-G Cho|J Li|H-S Hu|L Andrews|J T Lyon|
4 Formation of Unprecedented Actinide≡Carbon Triple Bonds in Uranium Methylidene Complexes 期刊论文 J T Lyon;H-S Hu;L Andrews;J Li
5 Remarkable Dinitrogen Activation and Cleavage by the Gd Dimer: From Dinitrogen Complex to Ring and Cage Nitrides 期刊论文 M F Zhou;X Ji;Y Gong;J Li
6 Diversity of Functionalized Germanium Zintl Clusters: Syntheses and Theoretical Studies of [Ge9PdPPh3]3- and [Ni@(Ge9PdPPh3)]2- 期刊论文 Zhong-Ming Sun|Ya-Fan Zhao|Lai-Sheng Wang|Jun Li|
7 Infrared spectra and electronic structures of agostic uranium methylidene molecules 期刊论文 Lyon Jonathan T.;Andrews Lester;Hu Han-Shi;Li Jun
8 Chemistry on Single Atoms: Spontaneous Hydrogen Production from Reactions of Transition-Metal Atoms with Methanol at Cryogenic Temperatures 期刊论文 Wang Guanjun;Su Jing;Gong Yu;Zhou Mingfei;Li Jun
9 Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on the Selectivities of Ag, Au, and Pt Catalysts for Hydrogenation of Crotonaldehyde 期刊论文 Han, Keli|Wang, Aiqin|Zhang, Tao|Yang, Xiaofeng|Wang, Xiaodong|Li, Jun|
10 Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Di-Gold Carbonyl Clusters Au2(CO)n- (n = 1-3): Experiment and Theory 期刊论文 Yi-Lei Wang;Hua-Jin Zhai;Lu Xu;Jun Li;Lai-Sheng Wang
11 Evidence of Significant Covalent Bonding in Au(CN)2- 期刊论文 Xue-Bin Wang|Yi-Lei Wang|Jie Yang|Xiao-Peng Xing|Jun Li|Lai-Sheng Wang|
12 Chemisorption-induced structural changes and transition from chemisorption to physisorption in Au6(CO)n- (n=4-9) 期刊论文 Zhai HJ;Pan LL;Dai B;Kiran B;Li J;Wang LS
13 Unusual Selectivity of Gold Catalysts for Hydrogenation of 1,3-Butadiene toward cis-2-Butene: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Investigation 期刊论文 Yang, Xiao-Feng|Zhang, Tao|Li, Jun|Wang, Yi-Lei|Wang, Ai-Qin|
14 Benchmark Studies on Uranium Hexafloride complex 期刊论文 Xiao H;Li J
15 Reactions of Cerium Atoms and Dicerium Molecules with CO: Formation of Cerium Carbonyls and Photoconversion to CO-Activated Insertion Molecules 期刊论文 Mingfei Zhou;Xi Jin;Jun Li
16 Synthesis of Thermally Stable and Highly Active Bimetallic Au-Ag Nanoparticles on Inert Supports 期刊论文 Wang, Aiqin|Liu, Xiaoyan|Su, Dang-Sheng|Yang, Xiaofeng|Zhang, Tao|Li, Jun|Mou, Chung-Yuan|
17 Adsorption-induced structural changes of gold cations from two- to three-dimensions 期刊论文 Yang, Xiao-Feng|Zhao, Ya-Fan|Zhang, Tao|Li, Jun|Wang, Ai-Qin|Wang, Yi-Lei|
18 Pd2 @ Sn184- : Fusion of Two Endohedral Stannaspherenes 期刊论文 H Xiao|L-S Wang|J Li|Z-M Sun|
19 Formation and Characterization of the XeOO+ Cation in Solid Argon 期刊论文 Mingfei Zhou;Yanying;Yu Gong;Jun Li
20 Chirality, Agosticity, and Pyramidality of Actinide Methylidene Complexes 期刊论文 J Li;H-S Hu;J T Lyon;L Andrews
21 Low-lying isomers of the B-9- boron cluster: The planar molecular wheel versus three-dimensional structures 期刊论文 Pan LL;Li J;Wang LS
22 Noble-gas-induced disproportionation reactions: Facile superoxo-to-peroxo conversion on chromium dioxide 期刊论文 Zhou, Mingfei|Li, Jun|Gong, Yu|Su, Jing|Zhao, Yanying|

